Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Story,

     Okay, so, let's admit it. We've all been bullied whether we know it or not. We all have our stories. We all have that one person in our life that we wish would disappear. Well. I wanted to make a place where we could all share our stories. Here, we don't have to worry about the bullies taunting us because we I won't let them. :) We are all great. But, here. I'll get us rolling. Here is my story:

     Okay, so, picture this. A five year old girl, light brown hair, dark dark blonde, with green eyes and a round face. A little overweight. She is bullied because she's different. That's me. That was my life until first grade. In first grade, I met my two current best friends. Half way in, my friend showed up. She was cousins to one of the kids I never socialized with. She was nice. A little later, my other best friend showed up. Now, the first one (not going to use real name, let's call her Stacie) Stacie wasn't my friend at the time but the other one, (Let's call him Case) Case became my friend. He wasn't really accepted among the other boys, and I was an outcast as well, so we got along.
    Well, I was bullied for being friends with a guy. (Stupid little kid stuff) But I didn't care. In 2nd grade, things got better, but they also got worse. That year, I made friends with Stacie and this other girl I had met that summer, let's call her Melody, also became my friend. But it was getting worse with Case. Melody is still one of my best friends.
    As I was saying, the thing with Case and I was getting worse. So I caved in to the bullies. I thought that if I left him alone that he wouldn't get hurt. I was wrong. He felt rejected. Then, in third grade, it was worse for him. I banded with the other girls in my class. In 2nd grade, along with Melody came Cally and Terri, along with some other guys. Those two took over. Well, I lied. In preschool, I did have one friend. She was my friend for a very long time. Veria. We met when we were literally, weeks old. (I was months old, I was born in March, her in June) She was friends with the girls. (Cally, Terri, and one other girl Nora. Oh! And Rachel.) Nora wasn't horrible... There was a couple other girls, but none as bad as the others. Veria wasn't horrible, but she.. she rejected me before in fear that the others would abandon her. So, I joined them, and whenever Case tried to talk to me, they would get mad. They peer pressured me into bullying him. I am super ashamed. I felt horrible. When I started ignoring him, it was to help him, but I turned against him.
     In fourth grade he left because of the bullies.
     That year, most of the girls left and our class got small. Terri was gone with her brother and two other boys, not counting Case. That year, I realized the girls were using me. They would gang up on Melody, Stacie, and I. I started getting in on and off again fights. They caused drama.
     In fifth grade, Terri and her brother were back. That year, I became closer to Stacie. Melody left. For periods of time, Stacie was my only friend. I finally snapped and started hanging out with the guys more. Stacie introduced us, having that her cousin was one of the boys. She was never one of the girls. She only hung out with them because I did. At this time, all that 'your mom' and 'your face' and all that crap started up and my class started swearing. I never swore, except one time. I blew up at Terri's brother. It took me a while to stop hanging out with the girls. I would always get mad, promise myself not to go back, and end up going back anyways. It was like a drug.
     In sixth grade, I swore it would be different. Case was back. Terri was gone. My class consisted of four boys and five girls, with another boy on the way. By then I had new friends. (Tevin, Shane, and Kevin) Kevin wasn't there yet. Drake was a new boy. Stacie was also gone. Case was here. I made amends with Case. He had mostly forgotten. I was still a little overweight. I hung out with the girls for a while, remembered their games, and finally left them. I met Drake. He was one of those 'cool kids'. Always swearing and trying to impress people. I felt comfortable with them. They didn't care about anything, really. They were nice. Agreed with me about the girls. Case became my best friend again.
     I was still friends with Stacie and Melody. We chatted on Facebook.
     So, a couple months into the school year, we went to a thing on bullying and it was about Rachel Scott. This really got to me. I started stopping bullying. Well, at the beginning of sixth grade I wasn't being bullied. When I started helping people, I may as well have just walked into a blood bath. Same happened to Case. He was right by my side. I was pulled into it. Tevin, a boy in my class with autism and asperger's syndrome, was one of the main targets. He wanted to fit in so badly. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the bullied. I could and still can feel that something bad is going to happen. He gets tripped, beat on, punched, and verbally abused by our classmates.
     Now, I have anger problems. When I get mad, I scream, and yell, and cry. I also shake. Bullies find this funny. I'm too caring and get mad at the slightest things. I hate bullying. Let's just say, I get soo mad. I never win though. The teachers don't care. They throw away the notes. Wave away the words.
     By May I had been called fat so many times I couldn't count it. Even my so called friends (Drake, Shane, and Kevin) were calling me fat. It made me feel uncomfortable near anyone smaller than me. Terri, Cally, and Nora made sure that I was never happy. In April we went on an out of town trip over night. Worst. Time. Of. My. Life. Terri and Cally started treating Nora like they used to treat me. (i.e. Using me, ganging up on me, ignoring me, leaving me out) And Nora would just run back and insult me with whatever I told her while she was mad. On the way home Terri and Cally told my 'friends' that one day I'm going to be a prostitute and a wh*re and using my faith in Christ as an insult (i.e. Dip your cross in my Holy Water as in have sex with me) and my 'friends' told me, but by then I was so untrusting that I didn't have a doubt in my mind that they just agreed.

 I think that brings me up to present. It's now June and I'm highly considering transferring schools and starting new. I would love to hear your stories. :)

 ( I know all stories have happy endings. This one... eh. I'm still friends with Case, Melody, and Stacie. Stacie lives in a different country, Melody a different state, and Case a different town. I text Case and chat with Melody and Stacie, I sometimes see Stacie.)
This story is true. It took place this year. I have just finished 6th and am entering 7th where, if still at that school, fresh horrors await having that the older kids aren't as fond as me as Case, Melody, and Stacie.
Oh! Veria, too, is my friend. She accepts what the other girls say, but last I heard they were all dramatic mess. Nora and Terri are mad at Cally and Veria is just hanging on with Nora and Terri. I will be seeing all three of them in six days in hopes that Nora and Terri are my friends.

*** All the names in this story has been changed so that I don't hurt anyone's feelings. ***

<3 Dandelion <---- My fake name. Not a nickname or anything.

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